Tradition and Values
Bonifaz Kohler GmbH is one of the category leaders in the European market for value-added private labels as well as basic private labels in all major cheese categories. From the management to every employee, we have a common goal:
"We want our customers to be more than satisfied - customer orientation is the be-all and end-all. With this in mind, we are always striving to expand and optimize our services and processes, a long standing motto of Bonifaz Kohler.
As private label professionals, these are our principles:
- Ensuring product safety and quality
- Customer orientation with the success of your own-brand in focus
- Close cooperation with retailers and consumers: joint development of product concepts
- Years of marketing experience, consumer insights and consumer relevance
- Trust is important, this includes flexibility, transparency and a tolerance for mistakes
- We see regionality and sustainability as the basis of our future viability
- Flat hierarchies in the team ensure quick decisions, working in agile teams (temporary working groups, so-called tAGs) with a high degree of self-organization
- Compatibility of family and career: Support of part-time models and creation of suitable framework conditions for our employees
- An attractive price-performance ratio for our products and services

Bonifaz Kohler as part of the Hochland Group
Within the Hochland Group, Bonifaz Kohler GmbH is the specialist for the international distribution of private labels. Sales, marketing and support are the three competence pillars of Bonifaz Kohler.
Over the past 50 years, strategic partnerships have been established with well-known retail customers that are exceptional within the cheese category. We also have long-standing and appreciative business relationships with other international retailers. Our goal is to establish cooperations or strategic partnerships so that we can offer added value to retailers as a full-service and full-assortment partner. We distinguish between basic private labels and value-added private labels. Our assortments can consist of all cheese categories as well as adjacent areas (e.g. convenience). Our products can be found in the self service cheese section of the grocery store.