A Look Back
Our long-established company can look back on a long tradition of cheese distribution. As early as 1880, Mr. Bonifaz Kohler founded an Emmentaler wholesaler in Goßholz near Lindenberg, Germany.
Milestones from 1927 to 2007
The company did not have its own production facility, but acquired Emmentaler wheels in Switzerland and the Allgäu - and re-sold them. Bonifaz Kohler managed the small company in the 1920s with his stepson Georg Summer, who then also founded the Hochland cheese factory together with Robert Reich in 1927.
In 2007, Hochland demerged the private label business from the branded business and decided to use the name of the founder of the Emmental wholesaler, what is now known as Bonifaz Kohler GmbH.

A Look Back